Monday, December 05, 2005

At last....

I have been out of the loop for a while, because I am on day 8 of a 12-day work stretch. We finally got moved from our old location to the new one. While there's a big loss in personal work space, the building itself is very spacious and nice to work in!

Saturday, I set up my computer (so they could install some new stuff), then went to help in my assigned area, then got called to the warehouse where they needed us. As I told someone, I will never again complain about the customer who tries to apply the same credit memo 3 times in a month, or even the other stuff -- instead, I'll keep my mouth shut and be grateful I don't work 8 a day in the warehouse! Those of us in the office had dreams all weekend about stuff in the warehouse! No, seriously, it's way more involved than I would have ever guessed, and very physical labor. We had a little snag but otherwise, it went pretty well.

Yesterday (Sunday), I was on trash detail in the warehouse (breaking down boxes and stacking up cardboard flats for reuse). Then the boss pulled me aside to work on the lunch order. That's a whole story in itself! Let's just say that the folks at Bojangles deserve a BIG hand for pulling this order together! Then a little more work back in Accounting (filing and finalizing my space for today).

There were a few snags this morning -- but nothing bad, and we were able to do our jobs well for the most part.

But it's also NOT something I would want to do again any time soon!

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